A donation, no matter how big or small, helps us support our local community by keeping events and workshops low cost.
Becoming a Fabrica Friend supports us through a continued donation of as little as £3.50 a month. Regular giving provides us with a reliable source of income that we can direct to where it is most needed. Your monthly donations allow us to plan ahead more effectively, ensuring that we can continue to present high-quality art experiences to a broad audience, enabling more people to access, enjoy and learn from it.
A legacy helps us ensure future generations gain as much enjoyment from our work as you do. When making or updating your Will, you just need to let your solicitor know your intentions. There is no obligation to let us know and you can change your mind at any time. Email [email protected] to find out more about donating in this way.
Making a donation in memory of a loved one is a really special way to remember them while ensuring many more can enjoy and participate in the arts. You can hold a collection via memorygiving.com or donate via our payment page.
Make your payday even more rewarding through a payroll donation to Fabrica. To get started, talk to your employer so that they can arrange your donation through your salary for you and for employers you can find a list of HMRC approved Payroll Giving Agencies here.
“Fabrica's strength resides in its commitment to inclusion, reaching out to many diverse and disparate members of the community, showcasing the work of lesser known contemporary artists and involving a team of very diverse volunteers.”