Conversation Piece: LGBTQ+ Intergenerational Stories

Archive Events & Talks (4 August 2022, 3.30pm - 5.00pm)
Lorenza Ippolito is joined by Helen Bashford & Jack Manson from Switchboard to discuss LGBTQ+ generational gaps and new found connections.
Join researcher and artist Lorenza Ippolito and Helen Bashford and Jack Manson from Switchboard to discuss LGBTQ+ generational gaps and new found connections.

Family, care and intergenerational relationships in LGBTQ+ communities are complex topics which are often built on difficult experiences of rejection, trauma, and isolation – whilst also are challenged and developed by the action of building one's own family and network which can provide understanding, support and care outside of the traditional version of a family unit.

Intergenerational relationships among LBGTQ+ populations can be difficult and complex. This is for many reasons, as culture changes post Section 28, experiences and the loss of our now older generations to the HIV epidemic have created divides and differences that are at times difficult to bridge. Where do LGBTQ+ individuals find and make relationships with different generations, and how can we learn from one another and support one another?

My Crazy Family Golf, Fabrica’s summertime exhibition created by artist Lisa Watts and her father, Gordon Watts, is an intergenerational collaboration which considers the nature of family, care and mental health.

Refreshments provided. Wheelchair accessible entrance and loos.
Convo piece


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