Making Space: Sectioned

Gary Thomas

Archive Artist Residencies & Projects (8 June 2016, 7.00pm - 8.30pm)
Every year Fabrica makes its space available to artists to test new ground in their practice, opening up the possibility to use the space in imaginative ways and experiment with new ways of working. Gary’s new film installation is based on John O ‘Donoguhe’s book ‘Sectioned, A life interrupted’ which relates his experiences of being sectioned in the 1970s and 1980s under the mental health act following a psychotic episode.
The film explores relationships between staff and service users and also looks at John whilst he was in therapy. The film is interspersed with readings from John's Book.

There will be a Q&A after the screening about how the film was produced and about the experiences of writing memoirs on mental health. (The film is approx 15 minutes in total.) Joining Gary will be John O Donoghue and Graeme Dalling (who plays John in the film).
Gary Thomas Pic


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