St Patrick's Day Ceilidh

With Brighton Ceilidh Collective

Archive Events & Talks (16 March 2024, 7.00pm - 10.00pm)
Join us for an evening of live music (and a fully stocked bar), led by notorious Ceilidh maestros The Brighton Ceilidh Collective. This event is a special fundraiser in which the money raised goes to supporting Fabrica as a charity.

Brighton Ceilidh Collective are a lively and enthusiastic band with a wealth of experience. Together they wonderfully capture the high energy, vivacious and carefree attitude of the Ceilidh. Their resident caller will give the crowd step-by-step instructions, but first timers worry not, as the freedom to throw yourself headlong into the party - no matter how many left feet you may have - is what the dance is all about.

So, grab a partner and get ready for some fast foot-tapping that will make this knees-up one to remember!

This event is raising funds for Fabrica's charitable activity: by attending this event your support will be providing creative activities that support learning and increase well-being particularly for people who face barriers to participating or find it hard to travel. You will also help us to keep our historic Grade II listed building open for everyone to enjoy inspiring art experiences.

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