Arun Art Society Jake Winkle Watercolour Portrait Workshop

Jake Winkle is a prominent English watercolourist who specialises in light and movement. He is known for his paintings depicting animals and wildlife from overseas and nearer to home, as well as his famous watercolours of horse racing scenes.

Workshop Date: Tuesday 15th March 22

Jake is well known to our society, having demonstrated horse-racing recently. For further
visual encounters of Jake’s art, please go to .

The watercolour workshop will be held in St. Andrews Church Centre, Church Lane, Ferring, BN12 5HN from 10 am – 4 pm, on street parking is available. Light refreshments will be served, a
packed lunch is advisable.

We usually take photographs during the workshop of work and artists which are uploaded
onto the A.A.S Face Book page. In order to do this, we require your written permission.
Please email myself or Mark with your permission or not, thank you.

Charges for the workshop are £35.00 for A.A.S members or £40.00 for non-members. We
will contact you nearer the workshop date with the payment details.

Jake has asked that you bring the following equipment: Your usual water colour
paints/pencils, a minimum of 2 watercolour sheets of paper (min size 15 x 11 inches)
stretched or taped to a board (Jake uses the make ‘Arches 140 lbs rough board’), a 2B and 2H
pencil, rubber, sharpener, white base colour (e.g. white gouache) and a brush for gouache

Please do contact Yvonne if you are interested: [email protected]


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