Timeline of the Building

The Holy Trinity building has had a lot of changes and amendments over the years. It is drastically different from the original building by A H Wilds. Notably, the exposure of the south facing wall and addition of the chancel on the west side of the building between 1867-69 and the addition of the redesigned gothic frontage in 1885-87. There have been many more internal amendments throughout which have changed the the building, its capacity and function.

Building Evolution by CDMS

CDMS architects who redesigned and built the new office and kitchen development on the north-east side of the building from 2014 researched the history of the building as part of their plans and created this above diagram which visually displays these additions.

Collection of images sourced from Brighton Museums Digital Archive, Sussex OPC and the Regency Society

Our research has seen the collection of many illustrations and photographs of the building in these various stages. In our last in-person meeting before the Christmas and the current lockdown we tracked these changes with a selection of images of Holy Trinity. We are now thinking about the publication and how we might map these images out in a clear way to give a sense to the reader of these changes.

December Volunteer Meeting

The December meeting was followed by a walk around the building to track these changes, then to Robertson Hall (currently Cook!) in which the staff showed us around the building. We walked to The Font, which was closed due to restrictions, but surveyed the outside of the building and the plaque placed on the wall outside. The Font’s history dates back to 1683 when it was built as a chapel, so it is an even older building than Holy Trinity. As a mini Christmas celebration we had a coffee and cake on an outdoor table!

December meeting – with Christmas hats


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