Volunteer Fundraising: Lucy’s PUNKERNALIA

This August artist and Fabrica volunteer Lucy Mitchell has been raising funds for our exhibitions and community programme through the sale of these stunning lightboxes, taking some inspiration from the beautiful stained glass windows at Fabrica. 5% of all sales go to Fabrica. You can support Lucy (and Fabrica!) here: etsy.com/uk/shop/Punkernalia

Lucy says: “I am delighted to be involved in the volunteer community fundraising for Fabrica. My connection with Fabrica and it’s genuine inclusive ethos has enabled me to be involved in all sorts of projects. I have enjoyed the diverse range of exhibitions, activities and events shown at Fabrica and met amazing volunteers and staff who share a sense of community and love of creativity”

If you would like to get involved and fundraise in aid of Fabrica this Summer, email [email protected] or find out more here: https://bit.ly/communityfundraising


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