This beautiful and mesmerising coming of age adventure animation is set in the Antarctic in the 1880s and follows plucky aristocrat Sasha as she searches for her grandfather, an explorer who’s gone missing. Armed only with navigational savvy and a pair of expensive earrings to barter, Sasha secures passage with a rough-necked crew of Nordic navvies.
We will be screening the English dubbed version of this French-Belgian made animation by Rémi Chayé. A Long Way North is a lovingly animated voyage of self-discovery, "the charm of the picture lies in its fearless young female protagonist and, of course, those ravishing visuals." Guardian.
Ahead of the film between 11.30am and 12pm we will be hosting a creative activity related to the film. Watch this space for more details.
Film is rated PG, for more guidance please check the BBFC website.