Making Space

The Paravilion - Antivoid Alliance

Archive Artist Residencies & Projects (8 July to 12 July 2024)
Fabrica’s July Making Space has been awarded to artist collective Antivoid Alliance (Caleb Madden, Grant Cieciura, Luke Pendrell, Yumino Seki & Tiago De Sousa). The group is currently exploring how collaborative art making can produce work that challenges established roles of artist and audience. This residency will develop the group’s ongoing investigation of the social value of art.

Since 2018, the collective has been exploring the intersection between radical politics and performative artmaking. Resisting group hierarchy or formal affiliation, they operate as a shifting configuration of collaborators. Working across moving image, dance, installation, sound and more, the group are driven by the desire to question how and why societies can remain in thrall to political forces that perpetuate inequality.

During the residency Antivoid Alliance intend to build a temporary pavilion within the walls of Fabrica. This space-within-a-space will act as a kind of parallel site, or ‘parasite’. Creatively inspired by the culture, aesthetics, and technical lay-out of the Karaoke room — its special ability to focus moments of consumer desire and fantastic irony — this parasitic pavilion (or paravilion) is intended to facilitate impromptu modes of togetherness and improvised audience performances; public actions which emerge through and beyond the culture of Karaoke to become something else, something more.

Antivoid Alliance’s Making Space project at Fabrica offers the opportunity for the collective to experiment and play. It will include a work in process presentation; an invitation to participate, and a discussion with a small audience on Tuesday 9 July, 7-9pm. More information about the event and how to buy tickets can be found here.

Over the four days of their residency Antivoid Alliance will be:

Working with discarded, low-end and ubiquitous industrial materials to build a temporary and shonky Karaoke Pavilion within the space at Fabrica.

Working with sound composition and improvisation using a quadraphonic sound system and other hacked electronic devices

Exploring concepts of alienation, consumer desire, and ironic resonance through choreography and dance — in collaboration with Butoh dance specialist Yumino Seki.

Working on a new participatory performance-installation: experimenting with a modified Karaoke machine and its use by group members, guests and members of the public.

Ultimately, this installation, moving image work, and quad sound composition will be set in constellation with the cultural rituals of the Karaoke room.

About The Artist

An artist collective, Antivoid Alliance operate as a shifting configuration of collaborators. For this project the collective comprises:

Grant Cieciura’s art practice as interference pierces public realms. His acute cynical directness comes from his Polish roots, the struggles his family had in the UK’s first resettlement camp. “Having a Polish parent you grow up with a razor sharpness, cutting through the bullshit.”

Caleb Madden works across an undefined range of media to explore the political agency of art. His recent research has been centred around the generative potential of noise art practices. Alongside his art practice he produces a monthly radio show for Resonance Extra and is director of the Outlands Experimental Music Network.

Luke Pendrell’s work inhabits the ragged edges. A founding member of the digital art collective Antirom, with work shown in Tate Britain, British Film Institute, Barbican, MoMI, Institute of Contemporary Art , MoMA, Cal Arts, Le Salle de Legion d’honneur and the ICC tower Open Sky Gallery. He Co-founded the Speculative Aesthetics Research project (Urbanomic/MIT 2014, Mckay, Pendrell & Trafford et al).

Yumino Seki’s work crosses the boundaries of dance, performance art and installation. Yumino trained in Butoh with Tadashi Endo (Mamu Dance Theatre) and Yumiko Yoshioka (TEN PEN CHii). In 2007 Yumino studied Voice Movement Integration Somatic Practice in Amsterdam.

Tiago De Sousa, artist and educator, uses performativity and radical pedagogy. His practice builds a critical consciousness and a performative language functioning as a social action, exploring how the agency of noise meets a burning demand to re-open the possibilities of a divergent now.

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